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Sunwood Village, FL

Sunwood Village, FL

Income-Producing Project Purchase of an existing Multi Family complex that includes 78 apartments, renovation and improvement of the property.
Income-Producing Project Purchase of an existing Multi Family complex that includes 15 apartments, renovation and improvement of the property.
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of an existing building with 3 residential units, renovation and improvement.
Income-Producing Project Acquisition of an existing Multi Family complex, with 8 buildings with 239 housing units, renovation and improvement.
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of a plot, demolition of the existing building and construction of a residential building for 7 housing units.
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of an existing building, renovation and improvement, for 4 luxury Condo apartments.
Loan project Purchase of a plot of land of about 160 dunams. Providing a loan for the purpose of developing and promoting construction.
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of a plot and construction of a 4-story building, 7 apartments of 2-3 rooms.
Entrepreneurial project Purchasing a plot of land and building a 4-story building with 10 apartments, an average size of about 70 square meters
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of a plot and construction of a 7-story building, 18 2-3-room apartments
Entrepreneurial project Purchase and renovation of a historic 3-story building. The building consists of 4 apartments with a unique architectural design.
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of an existing building in the Old City, renovation and sale. 3-story building, converted into 8 residential apartments
Entrepreneurial project Purchase of an existing building in the Old City, renovation and sale. A 3-story building, converted into 6 residential apartments.