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Who is the local partner and how does it increase the profitability of your real estate transaction abroad?

Who is the local partner and how does it increase the profitability of your real estate transaction abroad?

One of the decisive factors that contribute to the success of a real estate project abroad is the skillful cooperation with a local partner or an entrepreneur with a proven track record and strong financial capabilities. Recognizing the importance of this partnership, prominent entities carefully evaluate and select their partners, focusing on those that have the potential to improve profit opportunities in each transaction. By leveraging the expertise and established networks of a local partner, real estate projects gain invaluable insights into the intricacies of the foreign market, regulatory framework, cultural nuances and customer preferences. Furthermore, a financially capable partner can provide the funding and resources needed to successfully execute the project , reduce financial risks and strengthen the chances of profitability. The choice of a reliable local partner with a successful track record and a strong financial position becomes a key element in the victory of real estate abroad.

Link to the original article on the Calcalist website.

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